07396 240106
Helping to change your world

Mind the Gap
Counselling & Psychotherapy
Lorna Wright

Lorna Wright
Dip MBACP (Accred)

I'm an experienced psychotherapist with a passion for people, potential & change.
over a decade into my career I have worked with clients aged 15 to 80 from different cultural & ethnic backgrounds and clients with different sexual orientations. My work has taken me into charities ,secondary schools and the NHS (supporting staff ) .
Change and how we learn, grow and adapt , whatever our background, is the source of my personal and professional motivation .It is , afterall, one of the hardest things to do .
How I work
I'm an integrative therapist, specializing in attachment. Attachment relationships are those we developed with our main caregivers and these lay down patterns for relating throughout life. Attachment-based therapy helps clients move from insecure attachment by providing a new relational experience which is sensitively attuned and responsive, enabling clients to ‘earn’ their own security. The goal is to recreate in therapy an ‘attachment' experience which aims to make up, at least in part for what may have been missed first time around.
I anticipate our work will be insightful, pragmatic and collaborative . It may be short term and solution-focussed or longer term and unfolding . Whichever it is it will be led by you. Sessions are charged at £60, with the initial consulation charged at a reduced price of £30 to allow you to establish whether I'm the right therapist for you and for me to assess whether I have the skills to support you.

' If you can't change your mind you won't change anything'
George Bernard Shaw
Areas of specialism
Anxiety & Depression
- Work related stress, burn out , life balance , relationship challenges at work
Major life changes such as separation, divorce, retirement or life changing health issues
Relationship issues
Trauma , childhood trauma and abuse
Self esteem ,Self image and Self confidence
Sexuality and identity
Grief, loss , bereavement and unresolved grief
Eating disorders
How we work together
My hope is that together we will work openly and honestly on whatever you want to focus on. We'll reflect on and even challenge thoughts and feelings and how these affect your life . We will reflect on gaps between perception and reality, between beliefs and facts and in understanding and knowledge. My aim will be to support you wherever you are to where you want to be , enabling a process of growth and change .
Professional Training

I hold a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling and a Level 5 Diploma Integrating Attachment Based Psychotherapy into Clinical Practice and belong to The British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists , the largest professional body for counsellors and psychotherapists . I am a registered and accredited member.
'The BACP accreditation scheme aims to recognise the achievement of high standards of knowledge, experience and development in counselling and psychotherapy.They help clients, employers, practitioners and students to make an informed decision when choosing a therapist, service or training course.'
In addition as part of both my ethical ,professional and personal development I continue to develop my knowledge and skills by practising , attending specialist courses and reading.
Additonal Training
Attachment based Psychotherapy
Eating Disorders Awareness
Mindfulness based CBT
Trauma & the Body : Somatisation and Dissociation
Dealing with Distress : Working with Self Harm & suicide
Working with Loss : what does life mean for me now?
Introduction to CAT Cognitive Analytic Therapy
Internal Family Systems